Rough Theory

Theory In The Rough

So That’s Where My Words Went…

Yesterday, I couldn’t find the words to describe what Spurious is. This morning, I notice that Joseph Kugelmass seems to have found a few:

I’ve just found out that Georges Bataille and Maurice Blanchot have gotten together to work on a group blog where they pretend to be one person named W. Except they are actually writing a novel about somebody (who appears in the picture to be a waifish woman, but I can’t even figure out what genders are really in play here) who is having a devastating, tormented relationship with W. that seems to be vaguely about intellectual despair and missed opportunity, leavened with an asthma from too much history and living in Europe. One clue is that money is given in pounds.

Must. Stop. Laughing. Now. It Hurts!

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